Accredited Mental Health Social Worker
Youth Worker
Orietta Simons believes the young person’s voice should be heard. This is one of the traits that makes her such a strong advocate for the rights of young people.
She is a registered social worker, university-qualified youth worker and has worked extensively in rural and remote locations. She has over 25 years of experience providing youth work, social work and counselling services to children and young people. Her know-how and skills help make the lives of children and young people easier.
Orietta has significant experience working with young people in the area of mental health, drug and alcohol misuse, school refusal, sexual abuse, and chronic illness. An industry leader in youth work, Orietta has also been a university lecturer undertaking research and lecturing in Youth Work and Social Work. She has also held the position of Chairperson for the Youth Affairs Council or WA and was the innaugral chair for the WA Youth Work Association.
She is proud to be part of Head Office Health, the only multi-disciplinary private practice in Australia that provides youth work services.
Orietta’s research & publications include:
Trudi Cooper, Erin Donovan, Orietta Simons, Judy Kulisa, Andrew Hall (2007), “Research into the effectiveness of mentoring as a crime prevention strategy with homeless young people” Office of Crime Prevention.
Cooper, Trudi & Simons, Orietta & Hall, A & Porteus, M & Hacket, A. (2019). Youth Work students mentoring young people at risk of homelessness: A partnership between a youth work degree program and a local youth agency. ECU Publications.
Brooke Chapman, Orietta Simons and Trudi Cooper (2014) “The role of Non-Line Management Supervision in the professional transition of first year youth work graduates” Youth Affairs Council of WA Conference, Perth, 10th July 2014
Trudi Cooper, Miriam Brooker, Debbie McCabe, Peter Madden & Orietta Simons. (2019) Transformative Youth Work in Local Government Youth Services.