Contact us
133 Canning Highway
East Fremantle WA 6158
Your life
Helping you
You’re the expert in your life. We don’t believe we are experts in your life but we do have the resources to support you and help you.
At Head Office Health, our role is to listen and help you find solutions. New to seeking mental health support? Not an issue! We believe in making things easier for you. Therapy should be a collaborative experience and we will walk you through the entire process.
Putting you first
Your story, your situation, your family and the reason for seeking help are unique to you. There is no one-size fits all approach to what we do at Head Office Health. We will spend time understanding exactly what you are experiencing and why so that when things change and improve for you, they will stick. We have clinicians’ who specialises in working with young people and other clinicians’ who have the expertise working with parents, couples and adult individuals.
We also know for many young people coming to counselling can be hard. You might not want mum, dad or anyone else in your family to know your worries. We guarantee to always talk to you, with no judgement. We only share what you are OK with us sharing. Your privacy and confidentiality is important to us, and we will only break confidentiality when safety is at risk.
Your life
You are important to us. We’ll provide you with the tools for dealing with what life might throw you.
Anxiety alleviated;
Depression destroyed;
Bullying, busted.
So, you’ll be happier and have a healthier life.
We help you talk things through and we point you in the right direction so you can get the help you need.